Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spain today - ETA anuncia el cese definitivo de su actividad armada / ETA announced a definitive end to terrorism

Published on Oct 20, 2011 by
ETA acaba de anunciar que "ha decidido el cese definitivo de su actividad armada". Lo ha anunciado a través de un comunicado remitido a GARA, apenas tres días después de la Declaración de Aiete. La organización armada vasca comunica que ha tomado esta decisión histórica y añade su "compromiso claro, firme y definitivo" de "superar la confrontación armada".
ETA has announced that it "has decided the final cessation of its armed activity." This was announced through a statement sent to Gara, just three days after the Declaration of Aiete. The Basque armed organization announces that it has taken this historic decision and adds its "clear commitment, firm and final" to "overcome the armed conflict."
  1. Noticias sobre ETA anuncia el cese definitivo de las armas

    Diario Panorama
  2. ETA anuncia el cese definitivo de su actividad armada
    Europa Press - hace 1 hora
    ... ETA anuncia "el cese definitivo de su actividad armada". No es una declaración de disolución ni de entrega de armas, es un comunicado en el que, ...
    1250 artículos relacionados

Middle East today - Turkish forces hunt PKK in Northern Iraq

From: Euronews  | Oct 20, 2011 Upwards of 1,000 Turkish troops, backed by helicopter gunships, are attacking Kurdish militants in northern Iraq.

The Turkish government says the offensive is to avenge the deaths of 24 soldiers one day earlier at the hands of fighters from the PKK -- Kurdistan Workers' Party.

Libya today - NTC announce Gaddafi demise

From: Euronews  | Oct 20, 2011 Whilst Libyans poured out on to the streets to celebrate National Transitional Council spokesman and vice chairman Abdel Hafez Ghoga officially announced Gaddafi's demise and the end of his 42-year autocratic rule.

"I would like to announce to our sons and daughters and to the entire world the following news. I'm announcing to the world the killing of Gaddafi by the hands of the revolutionaries and the chapter of Gaddafi and his tyranny has been closed,'' said Ghoga. 

Supermodel Irina Shayk growing up in Yemanzhelinsk, Russia Супермодель Ирина Shayk рос в Yemanzhelinsk, Россия

From: AssociatedPress  | Oct 20, 2011
Supermodel Irina Shayk, the reigning cover girl of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, talks about growing up in Yemanzhelinsk, Russia. (Oct. 20)

Britney Spears "Criminal" music video (official) and Lyrics

Published on Oct 18, 2011 by
Music video by Britney Spears performing Criminal. (C) 2011 RCA Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment

Britney Spear Lyrics - Criminal
He is a hustler, he's no good at all
He is a loser, he's a bum-bum-bum-bum
He lies, he fluffs, he's unreliable
He's is a sucker with a gun-gun-gun-gun

I know you told me I should stay away
I know you said he's just a dog astray-ay
He is a rebel with a tained heart
And even I know this ain't smart

But, mama, I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mamma, please don't cry, I will be all right
All reason aside, I just can't deny
I love that guy

He is a villain by the devil's law
He is a killer just for fun-fun-fun-fun
That man's a snitch, he's unpredictable
He's got no punches, he got none-none-none-none

Oh-oh I kno-ow
Should've let go, but no
'Cause he's a rebel with a tained heart
And even I know this ain't smart

But, mama, I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama, please don't cry, I will be all right
All reason aside, I just can't deny
I love that guy

And he's got my name
Tatooed on his arm , his lucky charm
So I guess it's okay
He's with me
And we hear people talk (people talk)
Trying to make remarks, keep us apart
But I don't even hear
I don't care

But, mama, I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama, please don't cry, I will be all right
All reason aside, I just can't deny
I love that guy

Mama, I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama, please don't cry, I will be all right
All reason aside, I just can't deny
I love that guy
britney spears "femme fatale" CD with Lyrics MP3 & video links 

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Spain today - Salgado: "El Consejo Europeo tiene que hacer un cortafuegos potente para evitar los riesgos de contagio"

La vicepresidenta Elena Salgado se ha pronunciado hoy acerca del Consejo Europeo que se celebrará el domingo en Bruselas y ha dicho que entre las medidas que se deben tomar está la de solucionar el problema de Grecia. "El Consejo Europeo tiene que hacer un cortafuegos potente que evite el riesgo de contagio", ha destacado.  En este sentido Salgado ha indicado que "lo importante es que sea una solución integral y avanzar en todas las líneas de trabajo".
Vice President Elena Salgado has spoken today about the European Council held in Brussels on Sunday and said that the measures to be taken is that of solving the problem of Greece. "The European Council has to make a powerful firewall to avoid the risk of infection," she stressed. In this sense Salgado stated that "the important thing is to be a comprehensive solution and progress in all lines of work."

Spain today - No le gusta la propuesta de la CEOE

El expresidente del Gobierno, Felipe González, ha afirmado este jueves que, aunque sea de manera excepcional, está de acuerdo con el presidente del Santander, Emilio Botín, en que no se puede recapitalizar todos los bancos europeos para "disimular" que uno, o unos pocos en algún país tengan problemas.González ha subrayado, durante su intervención en un desayuno informativo esta mañana en Madrid, que el sector en España no tiene grandes problemas aunque sí ha reprochado al Gobierno que "se hayan retrasado innecesariamente las decisiones de la reforma financiera", aunque haya tenido que ser menos intensa que en otros países europeos. En cuanto a las decisiones del Consejo Económico para salir de la crisis, el expresidente no cree que el próximo domingo se den los "pasos decisivos" que necesita la situación económica y ha recalcado que hay que hacer un planteamiento alternativo serio sobre Grecia porque es imposible que pueda pagar su deuda. Tras criticar que los presidentes de Francia, Nicolás Sarkozy, y Alemania, Angela Merkel, -"esa especie de dueto en que ha quedado la UE", ha asegurado- estén adoptando decisiones que corresponden al Consejo Europeo, González ha subrayado que el problema de fondo es que se está perdiendo visión europeísta y recuperando una noción "cada vez más endogámica" por parte de los miembros de la Unión.Sobre la reforma laboral, y con cierta ironía, González ha rechazado la propuesta de la CEOE y ha apostado por ligar la productividad a los salarios. Ha recordado que la patronal buscaba "hace unos meses" una indemnización de veinte días por año trabajado y ahora propone que sea de doce días. "Espero que paren, no vaya a ser que tenga que pagar la indemnización el que sea despedido", ha señalado.Según González, lo que sí hay que hacer es ligar las retribuciones a la productividad, "por uno u otro sistema", y ha elogiado el modelo alemán en el que los sindicatos participan también en la toma de decisiones de la empresa. Además, ha advertido de que España no podrá competir en costes laborales con Asia, de manera que la competitividad tiene que estar en el conocimiento.El ex presidente ha pedido a todas las administraciones que "no destrocen" ni la sanidad ni la educación públicas. Hay pocas cosas en las que España sea campeona del mundo �aparte de los muchachos que le dan patadas a la pelota�, dijo González, y una de ellas es la investigación médica y el sistema sanitario, aunque requiera �reformas de eficiencia�. Pidió por ello �que no se toque la sanidad y la educación�, y que gobierne quien gobierne no permita que esos dos sectores salgan de la crisis peor de lo que entraron, porque no sólo se perdería cohesión social, sino que, además, se crearían �cuellos de botella� para la recuperación económica y el aparente ahorro sería en realidad �pan para hoy y hambre para mañana�. Por último, Felipe González volvió a ofrecerse al candidato socialista a la Moncloa, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, al que, tal y como ha asegurado, no hará "sombra" ni tutelará. "Menudo es éste para tutelarle", ha enfatizado. Se ha dirigido al candidato para decirle que si no las gana, no es su problema y para reiterarle que estará a su disposición. "Si me pide que vaya a barrer la burocracia que sobra en Europa, me iré con una escoba; si me dice que me meta en la sala de máquinas de Durban" (la ciudad sudafricana donde en diciembre próximo se celebrará la cumbre del Clima), también irá.
Google translation
The former Minister Felipe Gonzalez, said Thursday that, even in exceptional circumstances, he agree with the chairman of Santander, Emilio Botin, which can not all European banks recapitalizing to "hide" one or in a country few have problems. González stressed, speaking at a breakfast briefing this morning in Madrid, Spain., that the sector has no major problems although it has criticized the government to "have unnecessarily delayed the reform financial decisions." but had to be less intense than in other European countries. 
 As for the Economic Council decisions to exit the crisis, the president does not believe that next Sunday will give the "decisive steps" that the economic situation needs and stressed that we must make a serious alternative approach because it is impossible for Greece to repay it´s debt. 
 After criticizing the presidents of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Germany, Angela Merkel, - "that kind of duet in which the EU has been," he assured, are making decisions that correspond to the European Council, 
Gonzalez stressed that the problem´s Bottom line is that vision is being lost and recovering a notion Europeanist "increasingly inbred" by members of the Unión.
About labor reform, and with some irony, Gonzalez has rejected the proposal of the CEOE and has chosen to link productivity to wages. He recalled that the employer was seeking "a few months ago" compensation of twenty days per year worked, and now proposed to be twelve days. "I hope to stop, lest they have to pay the compensation to be fired," Gonzalez has señalado.
Accordingly, we do need to do is to link pay to productivity, "by one way or another", and praised the German model in which trade unions are also involved in making business decisions.  
He has also warned that Spain can not compete on labor costs in Asia, so that competitiveness has to be in the knowledge.
The former president has called on all governments that "wrecking" of health or public education. There are few things in which Spain is a world champion apart from the boys kicking him the ball, Gonzalez said, and one of them is medical research and health system efficiency while requiring reforms. 
 He asked why we do not touch your health and education, and to govern who governs not let those two sectors out of the crisis worse than it went in, because not only lose social cohesion, but also is create bottlenecks for economic recovery and the apparent savings would actually be bread today and hunger tomorrow. 
 Finally, Felipe González offered again at the Moncloa socialist candidate, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, who, as he assured, will not "shadow" or guardian. "Menudo is to safeguard it," he emphasized. He has directed the applicant to say that if you do not win, not their problem and to reiterate that will be available. "If I am asked to go to sweep excess bureaucracy in Europe, I'll go with a broom, if you tell me to put me into the engine room of Durban" (the South African city which will be held next December climate summit) also go.

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Libya today - Gadhafi Captured, Possibly Killed (Confirmed) 21 - 0 - 11

From: AssociatedPress  | Oct 20, 2011
Officials in Libya's transitional government say Moammar Gadhafi has been captured and possibly killed in the fall of his hometown but there is no confirmation from the country's most senior leaders. (Oct. 20) 

Libya officials say Gadhafi captured, possibly killed, but top leaders ...
4 hours ago – Libyan fighters have overrun the last positions of Moammar Gaddafi loyalists holding out in the city of Sirte and the revolutionaries now have all ... 

Thailand today - Floods to North Must Drain Through Bangkok

Published on Oct 20, 2011 by
Thailand's premier said Thursday that efforts to completely block flooding from the capital have failed, and authorities must risk water being allowed to drain through Bangkok. (Oct. 20)

Inbox - SCAM ALERT "My Dear" no woman is going to write to you out of the blue - this spam could become SCAM

Further it has not been sent just to you (Para/For) The person has probably sent 1,000 or more letters the same to people all over the world indicating a lack of sincerity and who would want a partner that does not have this in marraige? If it is a scam then it is more than likely a man wrote it not a woman - DELETE THIS AND ALL SIMILAR EMAILS

De: Larissa
Enviado: jueves 20 de octubre de 2011 14:31
Asunto: My Dear

My Dear

How are you today? I know this mail will come to you as a surprise, because you don’t know me and I don’t know you well. Let me first of all introduce myself to you, My name is Miss Larissa Ijere Paul, 21 years old girl from Guinea Bissau. I am tall and fair in complexion, I am loving and caring. After finish my prayer, I got your email from yahoo trust search when I was searching for a foreign partner who will help me for business transaction.

Please reply me if only you are interested and ready to help me and provide an account that will be use in receiving the fund into your bank account. Please I need your help so that we can proceed.

Honestly Speaking I have a special something I want to discuses with you about my life and this transaction, I know age will not be a beerier to our relationship. What I need is just your love and caring.

I will give you my best; I really want to have a good relationship with you. I will send my pictures to you and also tell you more about my self, Have a wonderful day with love and trust, bye for now; I am waiting to hear from you soon, Thanks.

Larissa Paul .

Halfords Special Offers 3 for 2 on all hand tools [offer ends 26/10/11] - 21 October 2011

The encroaching chill hasn?t gone unnoticed by anyone; luckily for you Halfords have a fantastic range of products to help customers through the winter months.

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Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 21st October 2011

Low from $14.99 to Get Your Fashion Lucky Horoscope Clothes, Saves A Lot. Just Be Quick!
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Surrounding yourself with artistic people stirs your own imagination. Let them teach you how to paint, play music, or create works of beauty. It's always difficult for you to take a back seat to an expert, but the sacrifice will be worth it. Besides, you're looking for any excuse to spend more time with the people you love. A friendship could turn to romance with very little effort, if you're so inclined. You feel drawn to someone who is graceful, attractive, and intelligent.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You've always wanted a glamorous life, and now it looks as if one is within arm's reach. Taking a job related to art, film, or luxury goods will prompt you to rub elbows with a fabulous clientele. Some will look wonderful while acting horribly, but that won't faze you. Just being in the company of such dazzling creatures will uplift and inspire you. Take this opportunity to add a little glitz to your own wardrobe. You look great in tactile materials and jewel tones.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A powerful imagination helps you to cope with situations that would drive others crazy. You're able to envision beautiful adventures while performing boring tasks day after day. It would be a shame to keep your creativity under wraps. Use it to enrich your own life and the lives of those around you. It gives you great pleasure to be able to see, touch, and taste the fruits of your labour. Don't be surprised if you soon have a big fan base.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Having a happy home life with your significant other is your idea of paradise. You'd rather enjoy a candlelit dinner for two at your own dining room table than go to a fancy restaurant. Take this opportunity to decorate your bedroom with rich colours, soft materials, and fragrant flowers. This little retreat from the outside world will create a powerful bond that is impossible to break. You and your amour have the ability to heal each other's wounds and inspire greatness in one another.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You have a tendency to put your loved one on a pedestal. Nobody can ever criticise your amour without a tongue lashing from you. When you give your heart to somebody, it's absolute. If you're single, you will meet someone special through a friend. Go ahead and agree to a blind date. Your nearest and dearest knows you better than you think. Don't be swayed by your date's chilly behaviour at first. A few jokes will quickly melt that icy reserve.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You'll be given a plum assignment at work, so be sure to do justice to it. Develop this masterpiece away from prying eyes. It's hard to develop something of beauty when people are bombarding you with helpful hints. This endeavour has to come from your heart and yours alone. Use your gift with words to weave a magical spell around anyone who comes in contact with your work. Pretty soon, everyone will be asking about the author and offering you more work.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You're wonderfully glamorous, attracting romantic attention wherever you go. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with a cool rebel who makes your pulse pound. Winning this lover's heart will be no small feat, as they are dreadfully independent. Still, your charms are sufficient enough to compel a serious commitment. Together, you'll craft dazzling works of art together. There will be a futuristic aspect to these creations that garners lots of publicity.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A deep personal trust is the foundation of a family bond. You know you can tell a relative anything. Others have unfairly judged you, but you can always depend on this parental figure to give you the benefit of the doubt. If you're thinking of moving, let it be to a place that inspires your imagination. A home which offers beautiful vistas from a great height is favoured. Too often, you take a dim view of life. Getting a more exalted perspective will lift your spirits.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Working independently suits you much better than having intense supervision. You can be trusted to be productive without a manager breathing down your neck. Don't be surprised if you're asked to teach a class or write an instruction manual. Your communication skills are very strong, helping even the weakest students to succeed. Over time, you'll get a huge following and everyone will want your services. It will be like getting paid to have fun.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're a lot more creative than people realise. Solving problems is one of your specialties. In fact, your boss can sometimes take this talent for granted. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise. You deserve to be properly compensated for your gifts. Very few people can turn unattractive environments beautiful, inviting, and tasteful. You're one of the few who can make bricks out of straw. If you're interested in pursuing a career in design, now would be the time to take the plunge.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You're easily influenced by someone who wants to carve and shape you in their image. Although emulating your teacher will be fun at first, you'll eventually miss the activities you abandoned for their sake. Stay true to your own identity, even if it means pursuing a hobby that seems dull or boring to your mentor. You shouldn't have to make excuses for your tastes. They're what make you unique. Besides, you have plenty of friends with whom to pursue these interests.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Trust your intuition when it comes to a love affair. Although the object of your affection doesn't show it, they are deeply devoted to you. It's just that you're comfortable showing your feelings, and your amour is not. Find ways of expressing your affection which speak to their shy, understated ways. A handwritten note slipped into their pocket will make more of an impact than an impassioned kiss at a party. Let subtlety be your motto in this relationship.

Jessie J "Domino" music video (live in London) and Lyrics

Published on Oct 5, 2011 by
Music video by Jessie J performing Domino (VEVO Presents: Jessie J, Live in London). © 2011 Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings.
Jessie J Lyrics - Domino
I'm feeling sexy and free
Like glitters raining on me
You're like a shot of pure gold
I think i'm 'bout to explode

I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air
Now I'm breathing like I'm running 'cause you're taking me there
Don't you know
You spin me out of control
We can do this all night
Turn this club skin tight
Baby come on
Pull me like a bass drum
Sparkin' up a rhythm
Baby come on

Rock my world into the sunlight
Make this dream the best I've ever known
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino
Every second is a highlight
When we touch don't ever let me go
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

You got me losing my mind
My heart beats out of time
I'm seeing Hollywood stars
You stroke me like a guitar

I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air
Now I'm breathing like I'm running 'cause you're taking me there
Don't you know
You spin me out of control
We can do this all night
Turn this club skin tight
Baby come on
Pull me like a bass drum
Sparkin' up a rhythm
Baby come on

Rock my world into the sunlight
Make this dream the best I've ever known
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino
Every second is a highlight
When we touch don't ever let me go
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

Oh baby baby
Got me feeling so right
Oh baby baby
Dancing in the moonlight
Oh baby baby
Got me feeling so right
Oh baby baby
Dancing in the moonlight
Oh baby baby
Got me feeling so right
Oh baby baby
Dancing in the moonlight
Oh baby baby
Got me feeling so right
Oh baby baby

Rock my world into the sunlight
Make this dream the best I've ever known
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino
Every second is a highlight
When we touch don't ever let me go
Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino

USA today - After Exotic Animals Killed, Questions Follow

From: AssociatedPress  | Oct 20, 2011
Animal rights advocates say there was little police could do to save dozens of exotic animals set free from a privately-owned preserve before the owner committed suicide. Officers shot and killed the animals, including 18 Bengal tigers. (Oct. 20)

Greece today - Raw Video: Day Two of Large Greek Protests

From: AssociatedPress  | Oct 20, 2011
Greeks furious at the government's austerity measures turned out in large numbers on the streets of Athens for the second day of a general strike Thursday. (Oct. 20) 

Greece faces austerity vote, more strikes | Top News | Reuters › HomeNewsTop News
hace 16 minutos - Greece faces austerity vote, more strikes. Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:43am EDT. Print This Article | Single Page. [-] Text [+]. By Renee Maltezou and Harry Papachristou ...

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USA yesterday - Cardinals Take World Series Opener St. Louis beat Texas 3-2 in Game 1 of the World Series

From: AssociatedPress  | Oct 19, 2011  | 115 views
Pinch-hitter Allen Craig singled in the go-ahead run in the sixth inning on a line drive that dropped just in front of right fielder Nelson Cruz, as St. Louis beat Texas 3-2 in Game 1 of the World Series Wednesday night. (Oct. 20)

USA today - Apple Employees Celebrate Jobs, Stores Close

From: AssociatedPress  | Oct 20, 2011
Apple stores around the country closed for hours and hundreds of employees gathered at the company's headquarters to remember co-founder Steve Jobs at a private memorial. (Oct. 20)

LOBODA "На Свете" музыкальное видео и тексты / LOBODA "In the Light" music video & Lyrics

Uploaded by on Oct 20, 2011
Подпишись на новые клипы -
Плейлист LOBODA на ELLO -
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Авторы музыки/слов - Лобода С.С./KAFFEIN, Лобода С.С./Матюшенко Э. В./KAFFEIN
Режиссер - Алан Бадоев
LOBODA тексты - На Свете
этот сладкий наркотик,
это солнце, дыхание.
просто отдайся волне,
ты один на свете.
легче на повороте.
потеряешь сознание.
не изменяя себе,
ты один на свете.


Ты самый любимый на свете.
С тобою мечтали о лете.
Мы счастливы были, как дети.
Ты самый любимый на свете.
о далёкой планете.
и на небе, и на земле
знаю доверишься мне.
мы одни на свете.


Ты самый любимый на свете.
С тобою мечтали о лете.
Мы счастливы были, как дети.
Ты самый любимый на свете.

this sweet drug, 

the sun, the wind. 

just give a wave, 

you're alone in the world.
easier to turn. 

'll lose consciousness. 

without changing yourself, 

you're alone in the world.

You're the favorite in the world. 

With you dreaming of summer. 

We were happy as children. 

You're the favorite in the world.
on a distant planet. 

it is in heaven and on earth 

I know to trust me. 

We are alone in the world.
You're the favorite in the world. 

With you dreaming of summer. 

We were happy as children. 

You're the favorite in the world.
Слушать и скачать песню Светлана Лобода - На Свете